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Jared’s Place Legal Advocacy Services

This organization assists with criminal, family and immigration, and civil issues affecting abused women who are navigating the legal system.

Are you considering pursuing justice through the legal system but don’t know where to begin? You’re not alone. The legal justice system can be confusing and difficult to navigate. But there are services available that can help you by providing free, independent legal advice. Sometimes you just need to talk to a professional and know your options before going forward. Our Legal Aid section provides individually sourced legal services and specialized programs for survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and other forms of violence. These services are available remotely or in-person based on region. If you have any questions, we encourage you to visit the websites provided to learn more.

Jared’s Place Legal Resource Centre is a Hamilton-based organization for women who have experienced domestic abuse and are currently navigating the legal system. Their Legal Advocate is available to provide support, information, advocacy, and referrals on a variety of legal topics. They can also assist in creating safety plans, preparing documents, and attending court and other legal appointments with women.

In addition to their many services, Jared’s place has partnered with Legal Aid Ontario to provide the following:

You can connect with the Women’s Centre of Hamilton & Jared’s Place Legal Advocacy Centre at (905)-522-0127 ext. 207.

Jared's Place Logo PNG Interval House of Hamilton

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